Search Results
Found 21 items.
Manual therapy and therapeutic exercise in the treatment of osteoarthritis of the hip: a systematic review
Published: 27 May 20137180PDF: 3761 -
Preliminary identification of key clinical domains for outcome evaluation in fibromyalgia using the Delphi method: the Italian experience
Published: 19 March 2012979PDF (): 637 -
The effect of nerve mobilization exercise in patients with rheumatoid arthritis: a pilot study
Published: 21 September 20173795PDF: 2016 -
The role of biomechanical factors in ankylosing spondylitis: the patient’s perspective
Published: 9 February 20162874PDF: 1506Supplementary: 393 -
Cross-cultural adaptation, reliability, and validity of the Turkish version of the Exercise Therapy Burden Questionnaire for individuals with chronic diseases
Published: 24 June 20242063PDF: 526SUPPLEMENTARY MATERIAL: 303 -
Does the volume of physical exercise influence sleep quality in patients with fibromyalgia?
Published: 16 October 20241206PDF: 82 -
How to prescribe physical exercise in rheumatology
Published:4107PDF: 2980 -
The preventive and therapeutic role of physical activity in knee osteoarthritis
Published: 3 May 202211141PDF: 4598 -
Rheumatologic rehabilitation: towards recommendations
Published: 6 November 20142037PDF: 1243 -
The social cost of rheumatoid arthritis in Italy: the results of an estimation exercise
Published: 14 March 20142456PDF: 1333 -
Thermal alterations in patients with inflammatory diseases: a comparison between psoriatic and rheumatoid arthritis
Published: 20 December 20181416PDF: 955 -
Spinning-induced rhabdomyolysis: importance of MRI for patient’s outcome. A case report
Published:1158PDF: 1922 -
Can different degrees of resistance training improve mood states in patients with fibromyalgia? A randomized controlled trial
Published: 29 December 20221730PDF: 1212 -
The diabetic hand
Published:2210PDF: 5909 -
The vicious cycle of physical inactivity, fatigue and kinesiophobia in patients with fibromyalgia syndrome
Published: 21 March 20231531PDF: 836 -
Musculoskeletal syndrome treated with global postural re-education in double-redo lung transplantation: a case report with an 8-month follow-up
Published: 3 May 20222374PDF: 603 -
From rehabilitation to remission in ankylosing spondylitis
Published:1034PDF: 676 -
Pediatric fibromyalgia
Published: 28 September 20123843PDF: 2817
1 - 21 of 21 items