Search Results
Found 69 items.
Evidence-based algorithm for diagnosis and assessment in psoriatic arthritis: results by Italian DElphi in psoriatic Arthritis (IDEA)
Published: 16 December 20162745PDF: 1919 -
Far infrared emitting plaster in knee osteoarthritis: a single blinded, randomised clinical trial
Published: 20 December 20124007PDF: 2198 -
Gait analysis in hip viscosupplementation for osteoarthritis: a case report
Published: 31 October 20132861PDF: 813 -
Evolution in the use of musculoskeletal ultrasonography in a Rheumatology Unit over 14 years
Published: 30 June 20151416PDF: 894 -
Predictive value of isolated DLCO reduction in systemic sclerosis patients without cardio-pulmonary involvement at baseline
Published: 23 May 20161860PDF: 1546 -
The Italian Society for Rheumatology guidelines on reproductive health in patients with rheumatic diseases
Published: 12 February 2025224PDF: 72SUPPLEMENTARY MATERIAL: 7 -
Relationship between patient-reported and objective measurements of hand function in patients with rheumatoid arthritis
Published: 31 December 20161872PDF: 1060 -
Identification of subgroups among fibromyalgia patients
Published: 28 September 20121627PDF: 1496 -
The Italian Society of Rheumatology clinical practice guidelines for the management of large vessel vasculitis
Published: 7 February 20228806PDF: 1927 -
Comorbidity in polymyalgia rheumatica
Published: 27 March 20183378PDF: 1989 -
Italian Society of Rheumatology recommendations for the management of gout
Published: 28 March 20135584PDF: 1493 -
Diagnosis and diagnostic tests for fibromyalgia (syndrome)
Published: 28 September 20124615PDF: 4219 -
Contribution of the new 2012 EULAR/ACR classification criteria for the diagnosis of polymyalgia rheumatica
Published: 27 March 20182857PDF: 1602 -
The Italian Society for Rheumatology clinical practice guidelines for rheumatoid arthritis
Published: 23 September 20197579PDF: 2219 -
Nailfold capillaroscopy in the rheumatological current clinical practice in Italy: results of a national survey
Published: 29 December 2022869PDF: 348Appendix: 851 -
The Italian Society of Rheumatology clinical practice guidelines for the diagnosis and management of gout
Published: 23 September 20193097PDF: 1901 -
Management of giant cell arteritis among general practitioners from Genoa, Italy: a web-based survey
Published: 18 January 20213029PDF: 492 -
The effect of nerve mobilization exercise in patients with rheumatoid arthritis: a pilot study
Published: 21 September 20173701PDF: 1985 -
The Italian Society of Rheumatology clinical practice guidelines for the management of polymyalgia rheumatica
Published: 10 April 20205502PDF: 3189 -
The Italian Society for Rheumatology clinical practice guidelines for the diagnosis and management of knee, hip and hand osteoarthritis
Published: 23 September 20196168PDF: 3342 -
Histopathology of vasculitis
Published: 3 October 20183641PDF: 2415 -
The clinical spectrum of primary Sjögren’s syndrome: beyond exocrine glands
Published: 21 September 20173056PDF: 1544 -
Italian Society for Rheumatology recommendations for the management of hand osteoarthritis
Published: 31 October 201310766PDF: 1821 -
Histopathology of the muscle in rheumatic diseases
Published: 3 October 20181352PDF: 1213 -
Guidelines for the diagnosis, prevention and management of osteoporosis
Published: 23 June 201618493PDF: 9101 -
Comorbidities and related factors in rheumatoid arthritis patients of south India- Karnataka Rheumatoid Arthritis Comorbidity (KRAC) study
Published: 3 August 20172009PDF: 1041 -
Health related quality of life assessment in patients with systemic sclerosis
Published:1128PDF: 906 -
Rééducation Posturale Globale in musculoskeletal diseases: scientific evidence and clinical practice
Published:3616PDF: 3572 -
Fluoroquinolone-induced bilateral rupture of the Achilles tendon: clinical and sonographic findings
Published:1629PDF: 5332 -
Pain assessment in clinical Rheumatology
Published:712PDF: 820 -
Psoriatic arthritis: treatment strategies using anti-inflammatory drugs and classical DMARDs
Published: 5 June 20121325PDF: 1186 -
Safety of methotrexate in rheumatoid arthritis: a retrospective cohort study in clinical practice
Published:1151PDF: 670 -
GISEA: an Italian biological agents registry in rheumatology
Published: 9 November 20112097PDF: 1488 -
Diffusion and applications of musculoskeletal ultrasound in Italian Rheumatology Units
Published: 28 March 20132346PDF: 629 -
Is CDAI comparable to DAS 28 and SDAI regarding inter-observer agreement and correlation to MHAQ in Egyptian RA patients?
Published: 28 January 20201705PDF: 797 -
Treat-to-target (T2T) of serum urate (SUA) in gout: a clinical audit in real-world gout patients
Published: 24 October 20191778PDF: 1032 -
Is there a reliable association between patient-reported limb claudication and vascular imaging methods in Takayasu arteritis?
Published: 23 July 2020703PDF: 460 -
Discrepancies between clinical and pathological findings seen at renal biopsy in rheumatological diseases
Published: 18 September 20231141PDF: 471 -
Histopathology of salivary glands
Published: 3 October 20183562PDF: 2274 -
Rheumatology research output in the Arab World: despite the challenges
Published: 29 December 2022893PDF: 460 -
Long-term survival of methotrexate in psoriatic arthritis
Published:1160PDF: 861