Search Results
Found 343 items.
Disability and quality of life of patients with rheumatoid arthritis: assessment and perspectives
Published:1246PDF: 3334 -
Evaluation of a psychoeducational intervention including emotional intelligence to increase treatment adherence in rheumatoid arthritis (A pilot study)
Published: 22 November 20212429PDF: 621 -
Histopathology of the skin in rheumatic diseases
Published: 3 October 20182932PDF: 1770 -
The rehabilitative approach in rheumatoid arthritis
Published:1690PDF: 1927 -
Biologic therapy with anti-TNFa in rheumathoid atrhritis
Published:738PDF: 656 -
Mesenchimal stem cells: a possible role in the pathogenesis and treatment of spondyloarthritis
Published: 22 May 20172352PDF: 1429 -
Novel autoantibodies in rheumatoid arthritis
Published: 1 April 20193007PDF: 1726 -
Correlation between radiographic, echographic and MRI changes and rheumatoid arthritis progression
Published:952PDF: 2916 -
Rectal perforation in a 42-year-old woman due to Henoch-Schönlein purpura: a case report
Published: 21 September 20171387PDF: 714 -
The arthropathy of systemic sclerosis
Published:29325PDF: 2060 -
Metabolic syndrome in inflammatory rheumatic diseases
Published:1669PDF: 3826 -
Serum KL-6 as predictive and prognostic marker of interstitial lung disease in childhood connective tissue diseases: a pilot study
Published: 22 November 20216552PDF: 929 -
Diagnostic and prognostic role of renal histopathology in rheumatic diseases
Published: 3 October 20182189PDF: 1524 -
New classification criteria for rheumatoid arthritis
Published:1993PDF: 8931 -
Effects of TNF antagonists on immune and neuroendocrine system
Published:1139PDF: 725 -
Role for familiarity and genetic features in the therapeutic response of psoriatic arthritis
Published:2564PDF: 19011 -
The current role of ultrasound in the assessment of crystal-related arthropathies
Published:1274PDF: 1529 -
Observations about subcalcaneal adventitial bursitis (heel fat pad inflammatory lesion) in rheumatoid arthritis. Comment on the article of Suzuki and Shirai
Published: 19 November 2020695PDF: 586 -
Role of omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids in diet of patients with rheumatic diseases
Published:2514PDF: 1759 -
Recurrent acute idiopathic pericarditis: rheumatologic therapy, autoantibodies and long term outcome
Published:1208PDF: 1109 -
Theories and cures of the rheumatic diseases during the byzantine period (330-1453 a.D.)
Published:709PDF: 571 -
Histopathology of the synovial tissue: perspectives for biomarker development in chronic inflammatory arthritides
Published: 3 October 20181749PDF: 1159 -
Problem of differential diagnosis between Crohn’s disease and colitis in Behçet’s disease: a case report
Published:1383PDF: 1532 -
Relationship between delayed menarche and bone density in patients affected by juvenile
Published:1056PDF: 835 -
Hyper-IgD syndrome and hereditary periodic fever syndromes
Published:1161PDF: 3297 -
Can restless legs be a sign of something else? A case report of spondyloarthritis presenting with restless legs syndrome and a review of the literature
Published: 19 December 20231859PDF: 540 -
Infliximab treatment in a case of rheumatoid scleromalacia perforans
Published:1177PDF: 940 -
Urticarial vasculitis as an initial manifestation of colonic carcinoma: a case report and review of the literature
Published: 20 December 20181429PDF: 1449 -
Do we have markers to define the cardiovascular risk in rheumatoid arthritis patients?
Published:1494PDF: 690 -
Migraine in SLE: role of antiphospholipid antibodies and Raynaud’s phenomenon
Published:841PDF: 1963 -
COVID-19 pandemic and biological therapy in rheumatologic disorders: how to deal with?
Published: 19 November 20201573PDF: 977 -
Wegener’s granulomatosis: an analysis of 50 patients
Published: 11 April 2005805PDF: 1509 -
The hand: a window to arthritis
Published:1261PDF: 997 -
Ultrasound imaging in crystal arthropathies: a pictorial review
Published: 19 December 20232106PDF: 930SUPPLEMENTARY MATERIAL: 249 -
Milwaukee shoulder syndrome (apatite associated destructive arthritis): therapeutic aspects
Published:1996PDF: 4465 -
Disease disclosure in the workplace in people living with rheumatic diseases: an exploratory study
Published: 1 October 2024824PDF: 95 -
Frequency of ANA/DFS70 autoantibodies in Colombian patients with undifferentiated connective tissue disease
Published: 13 September 20221364PDF: 756 -
Wars in the history of rheumatology
Published:1360PDF: 918 -
Side effects of anti-TNFa therapy in juvenile idiopathic arthritis
Published:1771PDF: 2501 -
Psoriatic spondyloarthritis and Sjögren syndrome: a casual association?
Published: 19 November 20201055PDF: 628 -
Poncet’s disease diagnostic criteria decodes conundrum: Poncet’s vs pseudo Poncet’s
Published: 1 April 20191548PDF: 1048