The Italian Society for Rheumatology guidelines on reproductive health in patients with rheumatic diseases

Submitted: 7 June 2024
Accepted: 7 October 2024
Published: 12 February 2025
Abstract Views: 588
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Objective. To date, there is no shared national guideline in Italy for the management of reproductive health in rheumatic diseases (RHRD). The Italian Society for Rheumatology (SIR) has committed to developing clinical practice recommendations to provide guidance on both management and treatment regarding RHRD in Italy.

Methods. Using the GRADE-ADOLOPMENT methodology, a systematic literature review was conducted to update the scientific evidence that emerged after the publication of the reference recommendations from the American College of Rheumatology. A multidisciplinary group of 18 clinicians with specialist experience in rheumatology, allergy and clinical immunology, internal medicine, nephrology, gynecology and obstetrics, and neonatology, a professional nurse, a clinical psychologist, and a representative from the National Association of Rheumatic Patients discussed the recommendations in collaboration with the evidence review working group. Subsequently, a group of stakeholders was consulted to examine and externally evaluate the developed recommendations.

Results. Recommendations were formulated for each area of interest: contraception, assisted reproductive technology, preconception counseling, and use of drugs before, during, and after pregnancy and during breastfeeding, considering both paternal and maternal exposure.

Conclusions. The new SIR recommendations provide the rheumatology community with a practical guide based on updated scientific evidence for the management of RHRD.



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ISTAT. Documento ISTAT del 19 dicembre 2022 2022. Available from: [Material in Italian].
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Crotti, C., Ughi, N., Beretta, E., Brucato, A. L., Carrara, G., Chimenti, M. S., … Tincani, A. (2025). The Italian Society for Rheumatology guidelines on reproductive health in patients with rheumatic diseases. Reumatismo, 77(1).

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