Janus kinase inhibitors: between prescription authorization and reimbursability

Submitted: 31 July 2023
Accepted: 11 September 2023
Published: 19 December 2023
Abstract Views: 1121
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Following the restrictions on the reimbursability of Janus kinase inhibitors introduced by the Italian Medicines Agency, the Italian Society of Rheumatology has drafted this document to shed light on the clinical conditions and reimbursability criteria set out in the prescription forms.



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How to Cite

Spinelli, F., Conti, F., Caporali, R., Iannone, F., Cacciapaglia, F., & Steering Committee of the Italian Society of Rheumatology, on behalf of the. (2023). Janus kinase inhibitors: between prescription authorization and reimbursability. Reumatismo, 75(4). https://doi.org/10.4081/reumatismo.2023.1627

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